Sunday 9 November 2008

The Premise

Okay, so I've just landed in NZ.

I'm here for about 4 and a half months. Working for 3 in a small hospital in New Plymouth.
Where is New Plymouth? If you consider the North Island as a hawk swooping towards the East, then New Plymouth (a.k.a. Taranaki) is on the top of the head.
I don't know too much about it other than it is near a large dormant volcanoe called Mt Egmont/Taranaki. It looks a little like Mount Fuji apparently. There's also loads of black sand beaches with waves to surf. Oh and the population is 65'000 souls.

View from Auckland Harbour

So, my plan is to arrive in NZ early November (done); travel around til my job starts on the 23rd of November; then try to surf as much as possible, climb the volcanoe, get to grips with Mauri culture, do some rock climbing, get to know the locals. Then... I've got roughly 3 to 4 weeks during which I'll brush off the rest of the Antipodes. Before heading back to Europe for a 3 sailing holiday off the coast of Morocco (the Atlantic) to Mallorca in the Med.

So anyway, that's the plan, at the moment, I arrived in Auckland and am traveling with a very old connaissance, the one and only Alex, master of many trades and mind skills.


Ok, so I got just a few seconds left,

Til next time,


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