Friday 14 November 2008

North Island Travels (cont)

On the way to Lake Taupo, we stopped off at some hot water geothermal stream and had a nice paddle around. The place was recommended by the gentleman with breathing difficulties, and was called Kerosene Creek. It was a little off the beaten track, but there were some other cars there. Best of all, it was free.

I say this because it seemed like to do something fun or cool in certain parts of New Zealand, you have to cough some of the kiwi dollar.

Another thing about the pools, which I learnt about later, was that apparently there's a risk of getting amoebic meningitis if you dunk your head in these pools. Which would be quite in keeping with my track record for infectious diseases. But so far, no headache, fever, and whatever other symptom is part of meningism - will have to look it up.

Some pools of liquid hot m...ud near Kerosene Creek, we didn't swim in those though.

We also stopped short of the Lake to admire a waterfall, which had some of the bluest water I have ever seen. It was truly magnificient. Just beyond it, some powerboats were jetting up and down, with people screaming as the driver would perform some sharp turns and 360's. I thought this was a pretty good example of the mix of beautiful scenery and action adventure - for better or for worse.

This however was just a prelude for the main event planned that day.

We got to the hostel and quickly picked a company. Got on the bus, arrived at the field. Watched a little video, got kitted in red overalls and a nice leather cap. Met the divemaster and got on the plane to 15000 ft. At which point, we jumped out.

The experience of skydiving is pretty exhilarating. For me, the moment just after I left the firm, safe hold of the plane was the most poignant. It's a little difficult to describe and I'll try to go a little further in depth some other time. Anyway, it was pretty amazing, observing the earth, as it got closer and closer. Then once the parachute is out, to steer it into a spin. Even 1 hour after landing, I was still buzzing from the experience. Keen to do it again? Quite possibly, but without someone strapped to my back...

Fresh from ticking that box, Alex and I spent the rest of the evening chilling out with some girls from New England who were also basking in the glory of become part of the 'club' of people who'd jumped out of a plane. We just kicked it back with some takeaway Thai food (universal) and a movie about a NZ who set a landspeed record on a motorbike - which becomes far more interesting if you watch it while in kiwi land.

Lake Taupo

Next up, Wellington.

What else, haven't tasted a kiwi fruit yet but that's on the list.

Pics soon...

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