Tuesday 25 November 2008

First day at work

Just a quick update.

Arrived in New Plymouth on Sunday evening. Met by the accomodation manager for the hospital, Graeme. He then showed me around the hostel which has pretty much everything one could ever need - including golf clubs. There's a gym with a pool and squash courts.

There's supposed to be some very beautiful mountain right next to the town, but it's been overcast and raining since i've arrived. Apparently the weather improves by the end of december.

Had the first day of work yesterday. Induction (introductory talks) til one o'clock, when I got to meet some of the other staff starting that day. There's a good vibe, people are keen to go surfing, sailing, etc...

I then met with Diane, my supervisor, and she sent me to cover for a doctor who was sick til 4pm then on-call til 11pm. so, pretty busy, all in all. it was a good way to get back into the swing of things. i'd forgotten how cumbersome the bleep (they actually have pagers here) can be.

So... I also found out about my job description. I fill in for junior doctors doing surgery or orthopedics who are on leave or off sick. So when neither happens, I get a day off!! Which sounds good, but I don't think it'll happen too often. Today is one of them so I'm gonna do a little bit of housekeeping, buy some shirts, board, running shoes.

Alrighty then, so that's about it, overall, very happy to be back at work with a renewed enthusiasm.

Hope you're all well,


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