Tuesday 6 January 2009


2008 finished in a lively house party.

2009 started with a slight hangover, but the surf was up, so a few of us got up early (8ish) to check out some of the local beaches. The wind however had other plans.

Wind. It moves about a lot. In Taranaki, it is practically always present. For surf, the best wind is towards the East. Obviously, during the summer, it is predominantly Westerly.

The wind pattern over January-February... predominantly Westerly. Hitting the swooping hawk - North Island - flush on the head - the Naki.

The best time to catch some Easterly - and offshore - wind is to get to the beach at dawn. So I've done that about ... once - despite numerous good intentions on many evenings. Northerly wind, in NZ, coming from the Tropics, is usually warm and wet. While Southerlies usually bring sunshine and Arctic cold. So the wind comes from all over the shop, luckily the 'Naki (short for Taranaki region) is on a peninsula and has beaches to accomodate almost all wind directions, except full on Westerly...

On Saturday, I joined the running clinic for another run. Another half-marathon, but slightly faster. The main event for that day however was a concert held in nearby Oekura. Several acts including Tiki Taane, the former lead singer of Salmonella Dub - the band who's CD I gave Miguel for xmas, and Shapeshifter, a notable DnB group. However I was having such a good time at the pre-concert bbq drinks that I arrived after Tiki, while catching most of Shapeshifter.

shapeshifter - without their instruments

Tiki Taane

It's a pity really as I was really looking forward to seeing Tiki Taane who, from what I gather, is quite a big name in Kiwi music scene. However, Shapeshifter are supposed to be pretty big too and their DnB set though was pretty awesome, so that more than made up for any childish disappointment I may have had.
Good vibes furing the Shapeshifter set...
I also now have a copy of Tiki's CD , thanks Tina.

Finally I celebrated my first day of work in 2009 by going for a dawnie - an early surf at dawn - at Back Beach, a beach break just outside of New Plymouth, before work on the Monday back, a run after work followed by another surf session at a point break on the other side of town.

So, that was the New Year over here.


Surf more - I want to be able to surf with a shortboard before I leave the 'Naki
Run more - I want to be able to finish the Marathon in Rome with grin, not a grimace
Study a little more - I want to ... erh... learn

and the rest...

Some more stats,
Dawnies to date: 1
Different spots surfed on the coast: 7
Number of times up Mt. Taranaki: still 0
Pics from 2009... shortly.

Oh and I'd moved out from the Hostel. I'm now living downtown with Tom, Olly and Nicky (see earlier posts for pics).

HNY, much luck and merryment for 2009

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