Monday 1 December 2008

After a week

Catriona and Tina in Downtown New Plymouth

New Plymouth, the best city of it's size in the World!

I can sort of understand why.

Good weather, picturesque mountain, black sand surf beaches, friendly atmosphere around town. People seem happy to live there. I am happy to be there.

The first week of 'work' started intensely with a 'late' day. On-call til 11. The rest of the week was mainly spent off the work roster and so gave me plenty of time to get my affairs in order, familiarise myself with the way the hospital operates and spend some time with the general surgical team I'll be spending most time with over the next few months.

I also managed to go running about 5 times in my new running shoes. Went to the beach and paddled around for about 1 hour on a shortboard.

Back beach - the local spot

Drove - was driven actually - to the base of the volcanoe a couple of times to hike around.

Short hike around Mt Taranaki

Swam in the hostel pool every day the sun was out - which was pretty often this week. Went out a couple of times, went to a bbq where they roasted a whole pig on a spit. Some huge Tongan dudes, who'd played rugby for Tonga vs France, had set it up.

The spit roast pig

I mean, i don't know, but this is a little bit like hanging out in paradise. A little surreal. The world events and tragedies don't really seem to reach this little pocket of EnZed. So i'll have to make an extra effort to 'keep it real'.

hanging out for a bbq around the pool with Olly, Nicky, Tom, Charlotte and finally Idris - destroying a burger.

Yup, that's it for now.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah Naki

The 270 degrees of peninsula combined with the fact that the wind and waves can come from any direction at anytime, means that surf is always available somewhere on Route 45